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Climate Tipping Point

The tipping point refers to a marker at which rapid and irreversible effects of climate change would occur. Once a tipping point is reached, the consequences of climate change will not stop, even if humans stopped emitting greenhouse gases completely; Earth would likely careen towards an extreme: an ice-covered Earth (Katzenberger 2014). 

"In my opinion, we have not passed the point of no return, so that it's still possible to avoid the impact" - James Hansen, climatologist (2007)

There is disagreement amongst experts in the field as to whether or not the Earth has already surpassed its climate tipping point. There is a lack of consensus over what defines the tipping point and whether or not it is too late to prevent Earth's climate from dramatically changing at a rapid pace. One side of the debate believed we have already passed this point of no return, the other is optimistic that climate change can be reversed with immediate action. 


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